We won the 2nd place in the final stage of the Munich business plan competition. This is really a great honour and an equally great confirmation of our work. 117 teams took part, 8 were in the final round. And we are one of the three winners. Apart from a five-figure prize money, we won above all this: A lot of support from the BayStartUP team and very good contacts. Therefore: Thank you, dear BayStartUP Team for the great support and the opportunity to be part of this competition.
Yesterday, we were one of 5 winners of the international Clim@ Competition 2020, and won 4th place. This doesn't sound spectacular at first, but on closer inspection it is really good. After all, more than 300 start-ups from 13 countries took part. We were among the last 15 and then finally among the winners. Manyfolds was able to convince the international jury of our sustainable size-optimized shipping packaging with high CO2 saving potential.
It happened tonight: We won first place in the Munich business plan competition stage II! It was an almost surreal experience when we realized at some point in the lifestream that this time we would finish first. From over 100 startups. Thanks to all the competitors, jury members and the outstanding team of BayStartup! We celebrated (due to Corona) in a small circle with pizza and beer. Fortunately we have a pizza service as direct neighbours 🙂
We were still flashed when we were allowed to "declare" ourselves as winners....
Yes, in these Corona times there is sometimes something positive to report: We are one of the winners of the "Movin'On Startup Challenge 2020". 326 startups from 61 countries had applied. Actually, the award ceremony + free participation in the trade fair would have been at the beginning of June in Montreal, Canada, but unfortunately it has been cancelled due to the current Covid-19 situation.
The Movin'On Startup Challenge Award is something special for us, as it allows us to prove that we are also at the forefront of international sustainable mobility solutions.
We have been accepted into the LMU Entrepreneurship Center Accelerator! This is truly an honor, only 15 start-ups are selected per semester after a multi-level selection process. Some very well-known German Unicorns have emerged from this Accelerator (e.g. Flixbus, Foodora, etc. -> see also: https://www.lmu-ec-accelerator.de/).
So, we get from April from mid-May (Corona-related) free office space and the best connections, also internationally, to decisively advance Manyfolds.